

分类: 主播福利|地区: 西班牙|年份: 2003

导演: 费尔南多·科洛莫 

主演: 马修·古迪 劳伦斯·福克斯 

更新: |2021-06-15 06:02:15

简介:   In 1919, demobbed, Gerald Brenan rents a house for a year in Yegen, a village in Alpujarra. He has little but a love of reading and writing. He's soon the center of attention from his maid, María, who has a marriageable daughter, Ángeles; from Paco, a man who decides to guide Gerald in the ways of the village and of love; from the town's priest, his landlady, her friend who loves St. Teresa, and, from Juliana, a teen beauty who's the daughter of a witch. Gerald must sort out his feelings and face down the machinations of the town's women, who map a future he doesn't want. What he wants is romance. How far from his class and country can he venture, and for how long?   - Written by <[email protected]>




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