

分类: 主播福利|地区: 英国|年份: 2007

导演: 安迪·德爱蒙伊 

主演: 大卫·田纳特 莎拉·帕里什 哈里·崔德威 

更新: |2021-06-15 05:55:18

简介:   艾伦与翠西卡是一对恩爱夫妻一天,他们完美平凡的生活发生了巨变某日下班后艾伦决定和同事喝一杯,没想到一踏上马路,就被疾驶而来的轿车撞倒。   艾伦因车祸陷入了昏迷,但庆幸的是身体器官并未受到严重损伤。当艾伦醒来时,焦虑的翠西卡欣喜不已,但很快发现她深爱的丈夫不见了——他的举止行为彻底改变,失去了生活能力,时而暴躁易怒,时而脆弱幼稚。这一切给翠西卡与艾伦的关系带来了重重压力,她意识到自己深爱的丈夫并未消失,她要做的只是寻找与等待。   Alan and Tricia Hamilton are very happy. One day their perfect, if unremarkable, life is torn apart when a last minute decision to pop out for a quick drink with a colleague sees Alan step out in front of a passing car.   The resulting accident leaves him in a deep coma but with remarkably few physical injuries. Desperately worried about him, Tricia is delighted when he comes round–only to discover that the man she loved has disappeared. His behaviour’s changed, he’s lost all of his inhibitions and he veers from angry and frustrated to vulnerable and childlike. Alan’s behaviour puts his relationship with Tricia under intolerable pressure as she realises that the husband she loves is in there somewhere–she just has to try and find him.




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