

分类: 主播福利|地区: 意大利,法国|年份: 2014

导演: 艾莎·阿基多 

主演: 夏洛特·甘斯布 加布埃尔·加科 吉安马可·托格纳奇 Giulia Salerno 

更新: |2021-06-15 06:07:40

简介:   Rome, 1984, Aria is nine-year-old girl. On the verge of divorce, Aria's infantile and selfish parents are too preoccupied with their careers and extra-marital affairs to properly tend to any of Aria's needs. While her two older sisters are pampered, Aria is treated with cold indifference. Yet she yearns to love and to be loved. At school, Aria excels academically but is considered a misfit by everyone. She is misunderstood. Aria finds comfort in her cat - Dac and in her best friend - Angelica. Thrown out of both parents' homes, abandoned by all, even her best friend, Aria finally reaches the limit of what she can bear. She makes an unexpected decision in her life.




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